Prepare for a Crisis

  • Crisis Exercises

    Crisis Exercises

    A bespoke scenario for your organisation, delivered as a tabletop walk-through or live exercise.

    Our exercises are designed around the aims of your crisis response, be that assisting your nationals or customers, protecting your operations or reputation, or ensuring staff safety.

    Includes: real-time mentoring; a comprehensive review; a tailored action plan.

  • Crisis Leadership Training

    Crisis Leadership Training

    Crisis leaders play a key role in setting the strategy of a response, being the public face and holding accountability.

    The challenges which leaders face every day are accentuated and exaggerated in the pressure of a response.

    Get one-to-one training, coaching and mentoring for Ambassadors, CEOs and leaders to be ready for a crisis.

  • Crisis Management Plan

    Crisis Management Plan

    When a crisis strikes, having a go-to plan to guide your response is essential.

    We are experienced in preparing crisis management plans for Embassies, agencies and businesses following the reliable all-hazards approach.

    We can also maintain your plan on a regular basis, to ensure it is accurate and ready to go at all times.

  • Crisis Response Training

    Crisis Response Training

    Training for all those in your response team, from introductory level through to role-specific training for individuals.

    Optional modules include: crisis command structures; deployments to the field; decision-making in a crisis; information management; welfare and staff safety.

  • Specific Risk Planning

    Specific Risk Planning

    A major event, a deluge of travellers, or a change in the threat picture all need specific plans in place.

    We will work through your needs and exposure when a particular risk is on the horizon and getting closer.